Comprehensive banking insurance is insurance of banks on the basis of criminal acts. Types
of insurance coverage offered by Bankers Blanket Bond (BBB) to
compensate for losses from theft and fraud with respect to property
located on conservation.
Insured risk factors for complex banking insurance:
disloyalty, abuse bank staff (use of forged documents, etc.);
theft of securities from the bank vault;
electronic and computer crimes;
professional responsibility of the bank's employees;
BBB have been developed to co-insurance policies that provide coverage of losses banks suffered as a result of fraudulent team or program into a computer system, the system of electronic transfer of money or the communication system of the bank, as well as providing cover losses the banks suffered as a result of the defeat of its computer system virus, or in cases where the transfer of funds was carried out by the bank of fraudulent orders, obtained by means of telephone or fax.
Initially, coverage of computer crimes has been developed as a separate insurance policy for which a separate aggregate limit was set coverage and premium. However, when this insurance product came to be regarded as part of a comprehensive program to combat crime, limits on insurance coverage of computer crime has become an integral part of the coverage limit is set at BBB, the insurance premium under the policy of computer crime was calculated on the basis of quotations for the BBB. Insurance policy against computer crimes and BBB issued by one insurer. Otherwise, if the policyholder will suffer a great loss, which falls under the cover and the BBB and the insurance policy against computer crime, there can be serious disputes between insurers for compensation.
Insured risk factors for complex banking insurance:
disloyalty, abuse bank staff (use of forged documents, etc.);
theft of securities from the bank vault;
electronic and computer crimes;
professional responsibility of the bank's employees;
BBB have been developed to co-insurance policies that provide coverage of losses banks suffered as a result of fraudulent team or program into a computer system, the system of electronic transfer of money or the communication system of the bank, as well as providing cover losses the banks suffered as a result of the defeat of its computer system virus, or in cases where the transfer of funds was carried out by the bank of fraudulent orders, obtained by means of telephone or fax.
Initially, coverage of computer crimes has been developed as a separate insurance policy for which a separate aggregate limit was set coverage and premium. However, when this insurance product came to be regarded as part of a comprehensive program to combat crime, limits on insurance coverage of computer crime has become an integral part of the coverage limit is set at BBB, the insurance premium under the policy of computer crime was calculated on the basis of quotations for the BBB. Insurance policy against computer crimes and BBB issued by one insurer. Otherwise, if the policyholder will suffer a great loss, which falls under the cover and the BBB and the insurance policy against computer crime, there can be serious disputes between insurers for compensation.